Chairwoman, US Board of Directors

Dr. Rosalind Raddatz has been a passionate volunteer with RefuSHE since 2012 when she first taught English writing skills to girls who wanted to become journalists. She has been Chair of the Board since 2016. Rosalind works as the Associate Vice Provost, Academic Administration, and Chief of Staff for the Provost at Aga Khan University. She is also an Assistant Professor of Politics in the Faculty of Arts and Science.

Rosalind has proven management experience in the not-for-profit and education sectors in the developing world, with on-campus and field experience in Afghanistan and the Northern border regions of Pakistan. She is also an expert and publishes on areas of conflict and security in East and West Africa. Her current scholarly research focuses on para-state security networks in East Africa, female engagement in peacekeeping and peace operations, as well as the strategic impact of economics, demographics, and social trends on refugee flows and migration stemming from conflict and climate change. She has also consulted in her areas of expertise for Global Affairs Canada.

Rosalind completed a Ph.D in Political Science at the University of Ottawa; her doctoral dissertation focused on negotiating tactics to end civil wars, with a focus on Sierra Leone and Liberia. Following the completion of her Ph.D, Rosalind was awarded a fully-funded two-year postdoctoral research fellowship at the University of Cambridge.

Rosalind is also an accomplished writer and an award-winning photographer. She has formerly worked as a documentary film and television producer, as well as a crisis consultant and negotiator. Rosalind lives and works in Nairobi, Kenya, and Karachi, Pakistan.