Update on Fashion Challenge 2020
Dear RefuSHE family,
After much deliberation, it is with a heavy heart that we hereby announce that we will be cancelling our signature Fashion Challenge event on April 2, 2020 due to increasing concerns about the COVID-19 virus.
Cancelling the 2020 Fashion Challenge, our biggest event of the year, was one of the toughest decisions our Executive Board of Directors has had to make. We take the health and wellbeing of our community seriously and came to this difficult decision upon reflection of our organizational values and mission – to protect the most vulnerable.
The Fashion Challenge embodies the spirit, joy, and potential of our girls and young women. We were excited to share this with you in person. However, our commitment to your safety is our first priority and large gatherings are ill-advised at this time.
We are heartbroken but resolved to try to make the best of a less-than-ideal situation. It is our hope to bring the heart of this event to life through a Virtual Fashion Challenge experience to honor the creativity of our Artisan Collective and the incredible designers who agreed to participate this year.
Please stay tuned for additional information on our plans to continue this celebration virtually and check out our event page for updates.
As we navigate this time, we are grateful for your support, understanding, and commitment to advancing the lives of unaccompanied, separated, and orphaned refugee girls, young women, and their children.
With sincere gratitude,
Jailan Adly
Rosalind Raddatz
Board Chair, RefuSHE Executive Board of Directors